Symbolic Computation Group

David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Engineered algorithms in Linear Algebra
David Saunders, University of Delaware
Friday, November 12, 2004, at U. of Western Ontario.


"One size fits all" doesn't work, so how about "transformers"?

Engineered algorithms are attempts to automatically determine and provide, from a range of algorithm choices, the best method for the given input. The adjective "engineered" is meant to suggest that the choice may be a hybrid of several algorithms and that a healthy mix of asymptotic complexity information and consideration of problem instances previously encountered in practice will be used in determining the structure of the hybrid algorithm.

We will discuss two engineered algorithms in detail, an adaptive matrix rank algorithm and a hybrid Smith normal form. Some discussion of the general issues of engineered algorithm design may follow.

This is joint work with Zhendong Wan.


Last modified on Sunday, 04 November 2012, at 15:42 hours.